This post is sort of a follow-up to my blog entry from Sunday, where I provided game stats for some of the characters from James Lovegrove's novel, "Big Damn Hero." Turns out, there are a few other characters from Lovegrave's story which might make interesting GMAC's in a Firefly campaign.
The following characters have something in common: they all operate out of the Eavesdown Docks district on Persephone.
I built Mika Wong as a Heavy Major GMC and Charlie Dunwoody as a Light Major GMC; all other Major GMC's presented here are built to Medium Major specifications.
Spoilers follow.
Mika Wong
Mental D10
Physical D10
Social D10
Fight D10 (Martial Arts)
Focus D8
Influence D10 (Threats) (Flattery)
Know D8 (Eavesdown Docks)
Move D10 (Jumps)
Notice D8 (Sense Motive)
Operate D10 (Communications) (Security)
Perform D6 (Attract Attention)
Shoot D6
Sneak D6
Trick D8
Throw D6
Top Secret. D8
Officially you don't exist. Your job doesn't exist. Your boss doesn't exist. Where's that leave you?
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Covert Entry. When bypassing security on a mission, take or step up an On a Timetable Complication to double Operate for the roll.
Friends in high places. D8
The Alliance thinks highly of you. That's the only opinion that matters.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Our Dear Purple Friends. Spend 1 PP to step back a Complication involving Alliance scrutiny.
Third degree black belt. D8
You dedicated your life to the study of a martial art. Now you are a living weapon.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Fists of Iron. When a GMC takes a Complication to avoid being Taken Out by your unarmed assault, spend 1 PP to step up the Complication.
* Even the Odds. When you take an armed opponent's weapon from them, spend 1 PP to give them a Disarmed D8 Complication.
Mika Wong is one of Persephone's wealthiest citizens, equally at home among Alliance elites or with working stiffs from the Docks. It's common knowledge that many businesses in Eavesdown Docks' shadiest neighborhoods pay protection money to goons associated with Wong-- and it's equally well-understood that those businesses under Mr. Wong's protection are best left alone. In certain circles, it's even whispered that Mika Wong is Persephone's premiere information broker and fixer, but only for those who can afford his services. What very few people know or understand, however, is that Wong is also a highly-placed Alliance intelligence officer, tracking the activities of Persephone's gangs, separatists, and planetary corporations for high-ranking interests in the Core Worlds.
Coincidentally, Mika Wong also knew Derrial "Shepherd" Book before and during the War. It's a good thing that the two men are friends-- or, if not friends, that they've at least come to some sort of understanding. This way, neither individual has any reason to spill the other's secrets.
Elmira Atadema
Mental D8
Physical D6
Social D10
Drive D6
Fight D6
Focus D8
Influence D10 (Flirt)
Labor D6 (Housekeeping)
Move D6
Notice D8 (Observant)
Operate D8
Perform D6 (Dance)
Shoot D6
Sneak D6 (Blending In)
Trick D8
Bonded to Another. D8
The only thing you had left to sell was your own freedom. Now you belong to somebody else until your debts have been paid and your bond fulfilled.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Your bondholder's word is law. Gain 1 PP to create or step up a Complication representing your lack of personal freedom whenever you're acting against your bondholder's interests or without their consent.
Doe Eyes. D8
You look innocent. Maybe you are, maybe you ain't. But that's how folk think of you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Lifetime of Misdeeds. D8
This sort of life has a tendency to catch up with you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Trick of the Trade. Spend 1 PP to create an Operate or Sneak Specialty for the rest of the session.
Elmira is a bondswoman in the service of Hunter Covington-- and a confidential informant to Mika Wong. Despite everything that she's been through, she's still a resilient, resourceful woman who makes quite an impression upon everyone that she meets.
At the end of the novel, after Elmira obtains her freedom from Hunter Covington's bond, you might replace her Bonded to Another distinction, above, with something which reflects her new life (whatever that might be in your campaign). If she continues working with Mika Wong, the Agent Provocateur Distinction and "Cover Story" trigger from page 195 of the Firefly RPG core rules might be a good choice.
Hunter Covington
Mental D10
Physical D6
Social D8
Fight D6
Fix D6 (Computers)
Focus D8 (Determination)
Influence D8 (Bribe) (Threats)
Notice D8
Operate D8
Shoot D10
Sneak D6
Trick D10 (Business Front)
Bigwig. D8
You can't hurt me here. I own this town and everything in it.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Shell Companies. When the authorities try to investigate your illegal business activities, spend 1 PP to create a Legitimate Front D8 Asset.
Schemer. D8
Everybody wants something. Let's make a deal.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Local Gang Boss. D8
Nothing goes down on my turf 'lessen I say so.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Big Fish, Small Pond. When you're operating out of a local territory that's very familiar to you, you can create or step up a D8 Hidden Weapon or D8 Local Muscle Asset which lasts until.the end of the scene by also creating or stepping up a D6 Social Complication which will last until the end of the session to reflect having shown a sign of weakness.
* Flash a Little Cash. Spend 1 PP to double Influence when appealing to another's sense of greed.
Signature Asset: Cobra-headed sword cane with knockout gas handle D8
Hunter Covington is a heavy-set man with a luxuriant beard, bushy sideburns, and a penchant for dressing well. An occasional rival of other gang bosses in Eavesdown Docks, including Badger, Covington operates a number of front business and shell companies and prefers not to get into dirty street politics himself-- giving him a degree of separation from the street, which also allows him to partner with those other gang bosses when it suits him.
Mika Wong, who has been keeping tabs on Hunter Covington for Alliance intelligence for some time, described Covington as "not a nice man." Because of this 'not nice' factor, Wong was able to recruit Covington's bondswoman (and frequent target of his abuse), Elmira Atadema, to become a highly-placed Alliance informant in Covington's gang.
The Just Desserts
Attributes and Skills: Engines D8, Hull D6, Systems D10, Crew D8
Nanjing-Class Yacht D8
This yacht is popular with the gentry, Alliance government officials, and anyone with lots of credits to spare.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Brand Spankin' New D8
A fancy new boat is the best investment a captain could make. You've splurged some, but you've got no regrets.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Built for Speed D8
Sometimes, all that matters out in the Black is being faster than anyone else.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Focused Thrust. When using Engines for raw speed, double Engines. Remove the highest die and add three dice together for the result.
* Full Burn. Spend 1 PP to reroll a pool containing the Engines die. On your subsequent roll, both 1s and 2s count for Complications.
Booster Engines D8
Hard Burn Optimization D8
The Just Desserts is Hunter Covington's personal yacht. This fancy luxury boat has been tweaked and juiced to squeeze every drop of extra thrust from the ship's engines.
Chase Harlow
Mental D6
Physical D10
Social D8
Fight D8
Focus D8
Influence D10 (Keep Peace)
Move D6
Notice D10 (Something's Wrong)
Shoot D10 (Pistol)
Sneak D8 (Lose Tail)
Trick D10
Shady Business Man. D8
You keep tellin' folks you are legitimate. Someday, they might believe you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Fancy Yellow Duster. D8
You don't exactly blend in.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Makes Quite an Impression on Folk. Spend 1 PP to create or step up a Stands Out In a Crowd D8 Asset when asking for information or seeking to make new contacts in a public place.
Reliable Gun Hand. D8
You don't slap iron, but you're steady with a gun.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Got the Drop on You. When you have your gun in hand and an opponent decides to initiate combat by attacking, you may spend 1 PP to make them set the stakes for the Action. Your opponent counts 1s and 2s as jinxes for this roll.
Signature Asset: Bright yellow duster D6
Nobody knows Chase Harlow by his first name-- it's just "Harlow." While most small-time crooks in Eavesdown Docks try to keep a low profile, Harlow has made himself stand out with his signature, bright yellow duster. Everyone knows that the man in the yellow duster has business with gangsters like Badger and Hunter Covington, which earns the man a degree of protection on the street, but nobody really knows whether those bosses would actually miss Harlow if misfortune were to befall him. By cutting a larger-than-life figure on the Docks and behaving as if he were untouchable, Harlow has managed to discourage any direct attempts on his life by those who aren't sure how protected he really is. It's a dangerous game, but Harlow plays it to the hilt.
Charlie Dunwoody
Mental D8
Physical D4
Social D6
Fight D8
Focus D6
Influence D10 (Intimidation)
Move D6
Notice D6
Sneak D8
Trick D8
Invalid. D8
You can't get much of anywhere without somebody's help.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Scrapper. D8
You've been in more tussles than you can count. Won most of 'em, too.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Sucker Punch. Double Fight for the first round of an Action Order. Take or step up a Social complication after the roll.
Robber. D8
You make your livin' taking other peoples' things. And you don't exactly ask, neither.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Nobody move! Just before robbing others, spend 1 PP to create a D8 Got You Outnumbered or D8 Got the Drop on You Asset, which lasts until the end of the scene and then becomes a D8 The Heat is On Social Complication which lasts until the end of the session.
Signature Asset: Crutch D6
Disabled from birth, Charlie Dunwoody's racket is to hire himself out to unsuspecting off-worlders, as a local guide, then lure them into an ambush where his gang of thugs lies in wait. Sometimes Dunwoody also loans his motley band of street rats out to local crime bosses when they're willing to pay for a little extra muscle.
Dunwoody's Robber Gang
Fight D6, Sneak D6, Know D4
Dunwoody is usually backed up by three or four street toughs whenever he's doing a job. They don't usually carry weapons heavier than a club or a broken bottle. In a pinch, though, Dunwoody could probably scrape together a dozen or more associates-- assuming the score is big enough for everyone to get paid.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Browncoat Vigilantes for the Firefly Roleplaying Game
I just read James Lovegrove's novel, Big Damn Hero, which Joss Whedon has sanctioned as 'official' Firefly canon, and I figured I'd provide stat blocks for some of its characters, since that's one of the things that I do here at this blog. You can read my write-ups of other canonical Firefly characters here, here, and here.
I've written up the three main Vigilante ringleaders as Medium Major GMC's, while rank-and-file members of the Vigilante group are all presented as Minor GMC's.
Tobias "Rusty" Finn
Mental D8
Physical D6
Social D10
Fight D8
Focus D8
Influence D8
Notice D8 (Keeping Guard)
Shoot D10 (Pistols)
Sneak D6
Survive D10
Treat D6 (Disease)
Trick D6 (Poker Face)
Throw D6
Veteran of the Unification War. D8
It don't matter which side you fight on. War leaves a mark on your heart n' soul.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* War Stories. When you create an Asset or take a Complication related to a wartime flashback, step it up.
Cancer. D8
The terminal kind. All over. The whole meal, soup to nuts.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Dead man walking. Spend a Plot Point to double your Focus whenever that skill is being used to oppose another character's attempt to Influence you. If that other character is using an Influence specialty related to threats or intimidation, you can also step up one of your two doubled Focus dice at no additional cost.
Not to be crossed. D8
Just so we're clear: if you cross me, I will end you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* To the edge of the Black. When you pursue someone who crossed you into obvious danger, create a D8 Asset for the scene.
Signature Asset: Langston Rapid Repeater ("LRR") pistol D6
Toby Finn was a childhood friend of Malcolm Reynolds, forming half of the 'Four Amigos' who performed minor heists and teenage shenanigans together on their homeworld of Shadow before war came to the region. The two men lost touch with each other after enlistment, with Mal being assigned to the 57th Overlanders and Toby receiving a post to the 19th Sunbeamers and later transferring to the "Angel Makers" 31st Raiders. The two friends weren't reunited until the 57th Overlanders and 31st Raiders were assigned to fight side-by-side at the Battle of Serenity Valley. During a chance encounter, Toby realized that Mal had secretly had an affair with Jinny Adere, his own fiance from Shadow-- a betrayal that Toby was incapable of forgiving. After the war, when a diagnosis of cancer made Toby aware that he was living on borrowed time, he set a plot in motion to frame Mal for Jinny's wartime death and bring him to trial before the Vigilantes.
Stuart Deakins
Mental D6
Physical D10
Social D8
Fight D6
Fix D6 (Electrical)
Focus D8 (Detect Lie)
Know D6 (Engine Systems)
Labor D6
Move D6
Notice D6
Operate D6 (Communications)
Shoot D8 (Rifles)
Sneak D6
Survive D8 (Scrounging)
Veteran of the Unification War. D8
It don't matter which side you fight on. War leaves a mark on your heart n' soul.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
World Weary. D8
You've seen a lot of things during your time in the Black and little is left to surprise you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Code of Honor. D8
To live with honor is difficult. To live without honor is not living at all.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Honor Demands It. Gain 1 PP when you act against your best interests because of your code or make a show of satisfying your honor.
* My Word is My Bond. When you make a promise to someone, spend 1 PP to make a D6 Asset which lasts until the end of the session. If you break that promise, turn it into a D8 Complication.
Stuart Deakins served under Sergeant Reynolds for two years during the War, and Mal even saved his life after he'd been gravely wounded in the New Kasimir campaign. Deakins' sense of honor prompted him to become an active Vigilante after the war-- but Deakins' personal relationship with Mal and Zoe also means that the accusations leveled against Mal don't quite sit right with him.
Donovan Phillips
Mental D8
Physical D10
Social D6
Craft D6
Fight D10 (Sucker punch)
Influence D6 (Intimidate)
Labor D10
Move D8
Shoot D10 (Pistols)
Sneak D8
Survive D6
Throw D6
Trick D6
Mercenary. D8
They don't pay you to look pretty. They pay you to shoot things.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Time for some thrillin' heroics. Spend 1 PP to go first in any battle or combat scene. On your first Action, you may reroll any dice that come up 1s instead of accepting a plot point.
Mighty Hideous. D8
You weren't pretty to start, but then you got yourself deformed somethin' fierce. Now folks try not to even look at you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* You Call That Pain? When you activate an Opportunity to step back a physical Complication, step up Fight or Survive for the rest of the scene.
Friends in Low Places. D8
Those of us in the Rim don't have much, but we stick together. There's power in that.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Rumor Mill. When you try to get information from your contacts, make a Social + Know roll. If successful, create a D6 Asset about the information. Take a D8 Half the Story Complication to step up the new Asset.
Signature Asset: Rusty antique pistols D8
Severely burned and scarred during the War, Donovan Phillips is one of the most fanatical members of the Vigilante group-- even willing to shed the blood of other Browncoats who find themselves in the way of its mob justice. During his time in Vigilante custody, Mal gave Donovan the nickname, "Scarface."
Harriet Kyle
Social D4
Physical D8
Fight D8
Notice D10
Shoot D6
Harriet Kyle more or less serves as the Vigilantes' jailer whenever the group takes prisoners. Her unfortunate appearance prompted Mal to nickname her "Hatchet Face" while he was in her custody. More often than not, Harriet will be backed up by members of the Vigilante Mob (below).
Vigilante Mob
Fight D8, Shoot D6, Throw D8
Some of the folk who make up the Vigilante mob include David and Sonya Zuburi, 'Panda' Alcatraz, and "that guy Lucas," who served with Mal during the War and have a great deal of combat experience between them. They will not hesitate to Gang Up against the Crew if it serves their purpose.
The Final Appeal
Attributes and Skills: Engines D8, Hull D8, Systems D8, Crew D8
Komodo-Class Resupply Ship D8
The Komodo-Class Resupply vessel was already a relic when the War began.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Rust is the only thing holding her together. Spend 1 PP to double your ship's Hull rating for one Action, then step Hull down for the rest of the scene.
Coming Apart at the Seams D8
Some folk don't care much about taking care of their boat.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Unsettling Visage. Spend 1 PP to go first in an Action Order when someone sees your ship for the first time.
Cobbled Together D8
Your ship was built from salvage parts and space junk. She looks kinda ugly, but she sure can surprise folk when she needs to.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Grapplers D8
Reinforced Armor D8
The Final Appeal is the Browncoat Vigilante group's primary means of transportation. The novel describes as "a war relic with the rust stains and impact pepperings all over the hull to prove it. Parts of it were salvaged from other ships, welded clumsily into place, giving it a patchwork appearance."
Big Damn Hero is about a network of Browncoat Vigilantes who have spent their postwar years capturing, trying, and executing other Browncoat veterans for crimes against the Independent Worlds, both real and imagined, which the Vigilantes believe contributed to the Browncoats' loss. The Vigilante group crossed paths with the crew of Serenity after Mal was abducted and charged with a variety of war crimes:
Malcolm Reynolds, formerly of the 57th Overlanders, you come before this court facing four major charges. One: high treason against the independent planets. Two: murder. Three: sabotage during wartime. And four: collaboration with the enemy.
Three of the charges carry with them the penalty of death. The charge of sabotage carries with it the sentence of life imprisonment without possibility of parole.Needless to say, hi-jinks ensue.
I've written up the three main Vigilante ringleaders as Medium Major GMC's, while rank-and-file members of the Vigilante group are all presented as Minor GMC's.
Browncoat Vigilantes
Tobias "Rusty" Finn
Mental D8
Physical D6
Social D10
Fight D8
Focus D8
Influence D8
Notice D8 (Keeping Guard)
Shoot D10 (Pistols)
Sneak D6
Survive D10
Treat D6 (Disease)
Trick D6 (Poker Face)
Throw D6
Veteran of the Unification War. D8
It don't matter which side you fight on. War leaves a mark on your heart n' soul.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* War Stories. When you create an Asset or take a Complication related to a wartime flashback, step it up.
Cancer. D8
The terminal kind. All over. The whole meal, soup to nuts.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Dead man walking. Spend a Plot Point to double your Focus whenever that skill is being used to oppose another character's attempt to Influence you. If that other character is using an Influence specialty related to threats or intimidation, you can also step up one of your two doubled Focus dice at no additional cost.
Not to be crossed. D8
Just so we're clear: if you cross me, I will end you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* To the edge of the Black. When you pursue someone who crossed you into obvious danger, create a D8 Asset for the scene.
Signature Asset: Langston Rapid Repeater ("LRR") pistol D6
Toby Finn was a childhood friend of Malcolm Reynolds, forming half of the 'Four Amigos' who performed minor heists and teenage shenanigans together on their homeworld of Shadow before war came to the region. The two men lost touch with each other after enlistment, with Mal being assigned to the 57th Overlanders and Toby receiving a post to the 19th Sunbeamers and later transferring to the "Angel Makers" 31st Raiders. The two friends weren't reunited until the 57th Overlanders and 31st Raiders were assigned to fight side-by-side at the Battle of Serenity Valley. During a chance encounter, Toby realized that Mal had secretly had an affair with Jinny Adere, his own fiance from Shadow-- a betrayal that Toby was incapable of forgiving. After the war, when a diagnosis of cancer made Toby aware that he was living on borrowed time, he set a plot in motion to frame Mal for Jinny's wartime death and bring him to trial before the Vigilantes.
Stuart Deakins
Mental D6
Physical D10
Social D8
Fight D6
Fix D6 (Electrical)
Focus D8 (Detect Lie)
Know D6 (Engine Systems)
Labor D6
Move D6
Notice D6
Operate D6 (Communications)
Shoot D8 (Rifles)
Sneak D6
Survive D8 (Scrounging)
Veteran of the Unification War. D8
It don't matter which side you fight on. War leaves a mark on your heart n' soul.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
World Weary. D8
You've seen a lot of things during your time in the Black and little is left to surprise you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Code of Honor. D8
To live with honor is difficult. To live without honor is not living at all.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Honor Demands It. Gain 1 PP when you act against your best interests because of your code or make a show of satisfying your honor.
* My Word is My Bond. When you make a promise to someone, spend 1 PP to make a D6 Asset which lasts until the end of the session. If you break that promise, turn it into a D8 Complication.
Stuart Deakins served under Sergeant Reynolds for two years during the War, and Mal even saved his life after he'd been gravely wounded in the New Kasimir campaign. Deakins' sense of honor prompted him to become an active Vigilante after the war-- but Deakins' personal relationship with Mal and Zoe also means that the accusations leveled against Mal don't quite sit right with him.
Donovan Phillips
Mental D8
Physical D10
Social D6
Craft D6
Fight D10 (Sucker punch)
Influence D6 (Intimidate)
Labor D10
Move D8
Shoot D10 (Pistols)
Sneak D8
Survive D6
Throw D6
Trick D6
Mercenary. D8
They don't pay you to look pretty. They pay you to shoot things.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Time for some thrillin' heroics. Spend 1 PP to go first in any battle or combat scene. On your first Action, you may reroll any dice that come up 1s instead of accepting a plot point.
Mighty Hideous. D8
You weren't pretty to start, but then you got yourself deformed somethin' fierce. Now folks try not to even look at you.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* You Call That Pain? When you activate an Opportunity to step back a physical Complication, step up Fight or Survive for the rest of the scene.
Friends in Low Places. D8
Those of us in the Rim don't have much, but we stick together. There's power in that.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Rumor Mill. When you try to get information from your contacts, make a Social + Know roll. If successful, create a D6 Asset about the information. Take a D8 Half the Story Complication to step up the new Asset.
Signature Asset: Rusty antique pistols D8
Severely burned and scarred during the War, Donovan Phillips is one of the most fanatical members of the Vigilante group-- even willing to shed the blood of other Browncoats who find themselves in the way of its mob justice. During his time in Vigilante custody, Mal gave Donovan the nickname, "Scarface."
Harriet Kyle
Social D4
Physical D8
Fight D8
Notice D10
Shoot D6
Harriet Kyle more or less serves as the Vigilantes' jailer whenever the group takes prisoners. Her unfortunate appearance prompted Mal to nickname her "Hatchet Face" while he was in her custody. More often than not, Harriet will be backed up by members of the Vigilante Mob (below).
Vigilante Mob
Fight D8, Shoot D6, Throw D8
Some of the folk who make up the Vigilante mob include David and Sonya Zuburi, 'Panda' Alcatraz, and "that guy Lucas," who served with Mal during the War and have a great deal of combat experience between them. They will not hesitate to Gang Up against the Crew if it serves their purpose.
The Final Appeal
Attributes and Skills: Engines D8, Hull D8, Systems D8, Crew D8
Komodo-Class Resupply Ship D8
The Komodo-Class Resupply vessel was already a relic when the War began.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Rust is the only thing holding her together. Spend 1 PP to double your ship's Hull rating for one Action, then step Hull down for the rest of the scene.
Coming Apart at the Seams D8
Some folk don't care much about taking care of their boat.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
* Unsettling Visage. Spend 1 PP to go first in an Action Order when someone sees your ship for the first time.
Cobbled Together D8
Your ship was built from salvage parts and space junk. She looks kinda ugly, but she sure can surprise folk when she needs to.
* Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Grapplers D8
Reinforced Armor D8
The Final Appeal is the Browncoat Vigilante group's primary means of transportation. The novel describes as "a war relic with the rust stains and impact pepperings all over the hull to prove it. Parts of it were salvaged from other ships, welded clumsily into place, giving it a patchwork appearance."
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Characters from Thetis for the Firefly Roleplaying Game
Howdy! It's been a spell. In previous blog posts ( here and here ), I provided some game stats from James Lovegrove's novel Big ...

Howdy! It's been a spell. In previous blog posts ( here and here ), I provided some game stats from James Lovegrove's novel Big ...
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