Here's my Firefly Roleplaying Game conversion of the "Freedom's Flight" adventure from Serenity Adventures, which was actually written for the Serenity Roleplaying Game. This was a highly underrated adventure, in my opinion, especially if your crew leans Browncoat. My conversion allows you to run the adventure using the Firefly rules, since I personally prefer the Cortex Action system used in Firefly Roleplaying to the Cortex Classic rules used in Serenity Roleplaying.
Xi Wang Black is alone when he first meets the crew in Act 1 Scene 1. Given Black's role in the adventure, I statted him as a Medium Major GMC, created a Light Major GMC for his second-in-command, and treated the other Swift Justice bounty hunters like Minor GMCs. I did this so that these bounty hunters could easily become recurring Rivals or Antagonists in your series-- especially considering how the plot to this adventure unfolds. Mercedes Wingate has also been created as a Light Major GMC.
Remember that Act 1 is written to land your crew in prison, and is therefore admittedly pretty railroady, but this Act can be skipped in its entirety if they've already been incarcerated for some reason.
Xi Wang Black, Medium Major GMC
Mental D8
Physical D10
Social D6
Drive D6
Fight D8
Fly D8
Focus D6
Move D6
Notice D10
Shoot D10
Survive D6
Throw D6
Bounty Hunter D8
There are wanted men everywhere in the 'Verse and people who'll pay good money for'em. This is what I do. You don't have to like it.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Tracker Spend 1 PP to create a Quarry D6 Asset. Choose your target; they don't have to be in your presence. You may use this Asset in any rolls made to track down and capture your target. Every time you use it in a die roll and fail, you may step it up by one. You may only have one Quarry Asset at a time.
Daredevil D8
That was great! I've never skydived from a crashing ship before!
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Veteran of the Unification War D8
War leaves a mark on your heart n' soul.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Fightin' type. Spend 1 PP to step up or double your Shoot or Fight when you're outnumbered.
Signature Assets: LARS-29 Alliance Assault Rifle D8, Stun Stick D6, Bounty Hunter Cuffs D6
Lilly Rose, Light Major GMC
Mental D6
Physical D6
Social D6
Drive D6
Fight D6
Fix D6
Fly D10
Influence D8
Move D6 (Dodge)
Notice D8
Perform D6
Shoot D6
Bounty Hunter D8
There are wanted men everywhere in the 'Verse and people who'll pay good money for'em. This is what I do. You don't have to like it.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Cortex Sniffer Spend 1 PP to use Operate instead of Survive to track down a fugitive.
First Mate D8
I'm the captain's right hand.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
The Looks, Not the Brains D8
How you doin'?
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Signature Assets: Stun Stick D6
Bunk, burly bounty hunter
Traits: Physical D8, Fight D8, Fix D10, Scary D6, Tracking D10, Manners D4
Doc Abram, gambling bounty hunter medic
Traits: Treat D8, Shoot D6, Fight D4, Play Cards D10
Trigger, bounty hunter sharpshooter
Traits: Shoot D12, Fight D6, Fly D8, Influence D6, Twitchy D4
Other generic bounty hunters
Traits: Physical D8, Fight D6, Shoot D6, Tracking D6
Freedom's Flight
Attributes and Skills: Engines D10, Hull D6, Systems D8, Crew D6
Modified Cicero-Class Modular Transport D8
The Cicero class featured a novel modular design allowing for multiple cargo configurations. Though it was sturdy and well-built, the ship's multiple modular sections made them prohibitively expensive to own and operate, and few additional modules were made. Most Ciceros that are still flyin' today are still in the same original configurations that they were sold in.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Stolen D8
We didn't come by this boat fair and square.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Spoofed Systems Spend 1 PP to reroll a pool containing Systems against any attempt to identify or track down the ship.
They don't make these any more. D8
This ship is old. Really old. Still, the fact that she's still flyin' means that you've got a gem on your hands, and there is a lot of advice on the Cortex for fixin' her. Still hard to get parts though.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]We don't carry that. Take or step up a Complication regarding the unavailability of parts you need to fix your ship to gain 1 PP.
Four-cell detention module D8
Warheads D8
Mercedes Wingate, Light Major GMC
Mental D6
Physical D6
Social D6
Fight D6
Focus D6
Influence D10
Knowledge D6 (Unionism)
Labor D8 (Mining)
Operate D10
Treat D6
Labor Advocate for Miner's Guild D8
Workers of the 'Verse, unite!
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Rabble Rouser. Create a D6 Social Complication in dealing with corporate management and create a D6 Social Asset in dealing with corporate laborers. For 1 PP you can step up both.
[*]Do-Gooder. Receive 1 PP whenever you allow yourself to become side-tracked or distracted in your efforts to improve the lot of those less fortunate than yourself.
Heart of Gold D8
I may be rough around the edges, but deep down I'm a good person.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Dedicated D8
I don't take much sitting down. My cause gives my life meaning.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
For Act 1 Scene 2 I've provided stats for Police Lieutenant Wallace Birch, a Light Major GMC who is only mentioned by name in the text, and created a Medium Major GMC, Alliance Captain Loralei Wan. The police officers, Alliance troopers, and bar patrons in this scene are all Extras. I've also created a few Scene Triggers for the streets of Gambler's Run between the Ace In the Hole and the Last Chance Saloon, because the crew should be thoroughly humped by the end of the Act-- the odds are good that a few will be taken out before the rest decide to lay down arms.
Police Lieutenant Wallace Birch, Light Major GMC
Mental D6
Physical D8
Social D6
Drive D8
Fight D8
Fix D6
Influence D8 (Bribery)
Shoot D8 (Quick Draw)
Survive D6
Treat D6
Trick D8 (Corruption)
Long Arm of the Law D8
Criminals are a hard bunch. The law needs to be harder still.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Instigator D8
I'm sorry, did I call you ugly? I meant to say you're shamefully ugly for a baboon.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Right Old Mixer Gain 1 PP whenever you goad somebody into throwing the first punch or taking the first shot.
Wet Behind the Ears. D8
Folk say you're naive. It ain't that. You just grew up a mite sheltered, is all.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
Signature Assets: Badge D6, Billy club D6
Hera Planetary Police, D8
Bar patrons, D6
Alliance Captain Loralei Wan, Medium Major GMC
Mental D10
Physical D8
Social D6
Fight D10
Fix D6
Influence D10
Move D6
Notice D8
Shoot D10
Survive D6
Trick D10
Alliance Officer D8
You proudly wear the uniform of the organization that brought peace to the universe.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Chain of Command. Gain 1 PP when you step up a Complication because of orders you received from your superiors.
Schemer D8
Everybody wants something. Let's make a deal.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Wheeler Dealer. If you exaggerate your promises or position while negotiating for services, you may step up Trick for the Action. Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes for the roll.
Unprincipled. D8
You'd sell your own mother to the Reavers to make some coin. Your pappy you'd throw in for free.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! When you betray an ally, gain 1 PP and double the highest Complication die in the ally's roll.
Signature Asset: LARS-22 Alliance Carbine Rifle D8
Alliance troopers, D10
Streets of Gambler's Run
Scene Dice: Snipers in place D10, Got the drop on us D8, Nowhere to run D6
![]() |
Perdition Penal Facility looked much nicer in the brochures. |
Colonel Jedac Rejovic, Heavy Major GMC
Mental D10
Physical D6
Social D10
Fight D6
Focus D12 (Patience)
Influence D12 (Torture)
Know D12 (Psychology)
Move D6
Notice D10 (Empathy)
Survive D8
Treat D10 (Revive)
Alliance War Criminal D8
I commanded Alliance prison camp during the war. Conditions were... severe. Let's just say it was good for me that the Alliance won.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Sadist Spend 1 PP to double Influence over those who are helpless to resist your interrogation. Regain 1 PP if they resist, but you succeed in making them talk anyway.
Prison Warden D8
These prisoners may be an unruly bunch, but I run an orderly facility here.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]Teach 'em a lesson, boys. Spend 1 PP to step up a Complication inflicted by one of your guards.
[*]Send this one to the lower titanium mines. Spend 1 PP to double Influence when threatening inmates with dangerous work assignments.
Always Keeping Score D8
Go ahead. Laugh. It isn't over yet.
[*]Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a D4 instead of a D8.
[*]A dish served cold. Spend 1 PP to create a Nursing a Grudge D6 Asset. Choose your target; they don't have to be in your presence. You may use this Asset in any rolls made to avenge yourself against your target. You may only have one Nursing a Grudge Asset at a time.
Signature Assets: Torture Chamber D8, Prison Authority D6
Corporal Lin
Traits: Mental D8, Shoot D8, Prison Administrator D8, Living Scarecrow D4
Corporal Yang
Traits: Influence D6, Shoot D6, Sadist D6, Grossly Obese D4
Prison Guards, D8
Inmates, D6
Perdition Penal Facility
Location Dice: Triad gangs D8, Browncoat veterans stick together D6, Armed guards on catwalks D10, Dangerous lower titanium mines D12
Location Triggers:
[*]Fresh fish. When you're outnumbered by predatory inmates but decide to escalate a fight anyway, spend 1 PP to create a Prison Rep D6 Asset. If you actually win the fight, get 1 PP back.
[*]Convict Code. Earn 1 PP by taking the rap for another inmate with prison authorities.
[*]Pulling rank. Crew members with Triad or Browncoat contacts may spend 1 PP to step up the relevant 'Triad Gang' or 'Browncoats stick together' Location Die for one roll.
[*]What we have here is a failure to communicate. Crew members who stand up to the Warden in front of the general inmate population can create or step up a D8 Complication for dealing with prison staff and simultaneously create or step up a D6 Asset for dealing with other inmates.
Handling torture in the game: The rules on pp. 47-50 of Serenity Adventures provide good guidelines for running the torture chamber scene without becoming ghoulish. Have each crew member write down four of their secrets, and then roll Mental + Focus (plus any other appropriate dice in their pool) against Rejovic's Social + Influence + specialization die (plus any other appropriate dice in his pool). Failure means that one of the characters' secrets is revealed, while success means that the character takes or steps up a Tortured D6 Complication; characters who are taken out by this complication will awaken in their cells later. To bolster Mercedes' morale, a single crew member can roll Social + Influence (plus any other appropriate dice in their pool) against the GM's dice poll of Rejovic's Social + Influence (plus any other appropriate dice in his pool); however, other crew members can lend an Influence skill die to this crew member's pool if desired. Failure means that Mercedes takes or steps up a Catatonic D6 Complication; if taken out in this manner she can attempt Recovery rolls as described in the Firefly RPG core book.
The rest of the adventure can pretty much be run as published. Enjoy!
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