Monday, July 3, 2017

The Exiled Horde for Stormbringer or Hawkmoon

When playing old Stormbringer or Hawkmoon scenarios like Rogue Mistress or The Shattered Isle-- any adventure where the party is sent plane-hopping across the multiverse for reasons that they barely understand-- it always seems odd when a player character from the Young Kingdoms or Tragic Millennium Earth died, only to be immediately replaced by another character from the Young Kingdoms or Tragic Millennium Earth.  In an infinite multiverse, does it really make sense that all player characters in a plane-hopping campaign would always come from the same two worlds of origin?

Over the years, we created a lot of rules for creating player characters from 'other' places, to be used at the GM's option, to break up the monotony and add a little variety.

I don't really remember which edition these particular rules were created with, but I'm pretty sure they're compatible with Hawkmoon and the first through the third editions of Stormbringer.


The Exiled Horde is a clan of Mongol-like warriors who wander the multiverse, raiding and slaughtering all that they encounter.  Legend has it that they are the descendants of Eequor's servants, long since banished from the Unholy Fortress for some unimaginable slight against their Mistress. The horde's oral traditions include numerous prophecies of redemption and eventual return to Hell.

Characters are created as in basic Stormbringer, with the following exceptions:

1.  Attribute modifiers are as follows:  STR +2, DEX -1, SIZ +2, CON +1, POW -2 (only if it is 6 or more), INT-1.  If SIZ is still 8 or less after attribute modifier, increase SIZ to 9.

2.  Class is automatically Warrior.  25% of all Horde members have a second class, determined by rolling on the class table from Stormbringer.  Treat rolls of "Sailor," "Beggar," "Merchant," or additional rolls of "Warrior," as "Craftsman."  Regardless of class, all horde members have Ride at 65%.

3.  Characters can choose between having scimitar and thrown spear or dagger and sling as first and second Warrior weapon choices.  Third weapon will be target or buckler shield.

4.  Armor will be barbarian furs, which protect at 1D4-2 (minimum protection = 0).  The character begins the game with a trained warhorse, enough skins for a teepee capable of sleeping three adults, the character's three weapons, and 2D8 SG in various alien coinage.

5.  If the character belongs to a cult, it should be that of Eequor or Kakatal.  Eequor no longer favors horde members-- she was the goddess who banished the race many millennia ago-- and will only grant half the Elan (rounded up) to horde members who are her priests or agents.

6. Horde members have an innate ability to open portals to another plane of existence by rolling their POW or less on 1D100.  Whether successful or not, the attempt reduces the character's POW by 1.  If successful, this portal will remain open for 1D100 minutes before closing permanently.  Where each portal leads is up to the GM-- this is how the horde travels from plane to plane during their long exile from Hell.

7.  Physically, members of the horde bear a vague resemblance to the Mabden race, although they appear to be genetically unrelated.

8.  Horde members whose INT plus POW equals thirty-two or more may begin play as a sorceror of the appropriate rank, though horde members are incapable of summoning Eequor (she will not answer their summons).

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